Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: Septmember 1, 2023 - Last updated: Septmember 1, 2023


Author: Audrey Darsonville

Title: « Dissiper les ténèbres », une proposition de justice restaurative

Subtitle: -

Translation: « Dispelling the darkness », a proposal for restorative justice

In: Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE

Edited by: Thomas Boullu et Raphaël Eckert

Place: Strasbourg

Publisher: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg

Year: 2023

Pages: 39-56

Series: Revue du droit des religions No. 15

ISBN-13: 9791034401635 - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: French

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | European History: French History | Cases: Real Incidents / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Types: Sexual Assault / Child Sexual Abuse, Clergy Sexual Abuse


Link: OpenEdition Journals (Free Access)


Author: Audrey Darsonville, Université Paris Nanterre

Abstract: »The methodology adopted by the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (Commission indépendante sur les abus sexuels dans l'Église, CIASE) during its work was built around the victims. Focusing on victims' accounts, the Commission developed proposals for the future by using this material to reflect on the issue of sexual violence in the Church. The recommendations formulated by the Commission, largely inspired by the victims' experience, outline an innovative justice system based mainly on reparation. The CIASE report is therefore a valuable tool for rethinking the construction of restorative justice.« (Source: Revue du droit des religions)

  Résumé(p. 39)
  Abstract (p. 39)
  1. Réparer le passé (p. 44)
    1.1. La démarche de vérité (p. 44)
    1.2. La démarche d'indemnisation (p. 47)
  2. Protéger l'avenir (p. 50)
    2.1. La prévminence de la justice étatique (p. 50)
    2.2. L'insuffisance de la justice pénale (p. 52)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of France / History of France (1900-present) | Christianity: Catholic Church / Catholic Church sexual abuse scandals in France | Sex and the law: Child sexual abuse / Child sexual abuse in France